Program Description
This incentive is only available for owner-occupant of new single family residential construction that is built upon a previously cleared lot that has access to existing City and utility infrastructure, including water, sewar, electrical and gas service, street, curb and gutter. Qualifying home must be within City Limits of Almena, Lenora or Norton (“City”) and property valuation must exceed $120,000.
Qualifying applicants will receive the following:
$2500 One-time Grant from NC/CED after construction and upon occupancy.
City waiver of water and electric hookup costs. (approximately $700 value)
Midwest Energy waiver of natural gas hookup costs. (approximately $350 value)
City will furnish 1-month free water + sewar + electric service. (approximately $300 value)
$1850 utility grant from NC/CED towards first 6 months utility services.
Property Tax Rebate from NC/CED of 1.5 x Year-One property tax. (approximately $6,000 value)

Application Review Process
The Norton County Housing Rehab Committee will review all applications for this program and make recommendations to NC/CED.
This Committee will also review status of ongoing rehab projects and advise the owners, contractors, NC Housing Rehab Committee and/or NC/CED Board accordingly.